Call for Poetry in Public Places!

Where: Santa Fe Skies RV Park, Santa Fe County, Route 14.

Installation: In four fairy/spirit houses which are sculptures made of recycled metal.

What We Want: 4 pages of poetry that are site specific. Each page will be printed on suminagashi (Japanese marbling) and laminated.


Pinon/juniper terrain

Mountains and sky

Spiritual realms, magical creatures

Night and astronomy (the sculptures light up at night)

Whatever speaks to you

Perfect for haiku, haibun, flash, and short poems.

All work should be rated PG as open to the public, RVers, visitors, kids, locals, etc. 

An example: Maternal Mitochondria Portfolio

Honorarium: $250.00

Deadline May 1: If you are interested in being considered for this project, send Miriam Sagan a note at Include why you’d like to participate and 2-3 poems. 

If we accept your proposal, we will send you pictures of each house and some of the backstory from creator Tim Brown to help inspire you. You do not need to be local to participate. 

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